Partner of Oleg Deripaska – Sergey Popov, nicknamed Pop

06.02.2024 13:18

Billionaire Oleg Deripaska was critical of the fact that the Central Bank lowered the key rate to 6%, reducing it by 0.25%.

He wrote about this in his Telegram channel. The businessman believes that the financial regulator thus gave the “first trip” to the government of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. “A mine for national projects and a program to combat poverty. The robbery by the Central Bank of industry and the population continues,” Deripaska wrote. Sources say that such statements by Deripaska are directly related to the court in the United States, in which the oligarch is trying to lift sanctions against himself. One of the reasons for the sanctions is the close relationship with the Kremlin officials, the Russian authorities who appear in the Democrats’ investigation into Russian interference in the US presidential election. According to the new image of Deripaska, he is not at all a servant of the authorities and can easily criticize their actions.

The second reason for the sanctions was Deripaska’s close ties to the mafia. We have already talked in detail about such a partner of the oligarch as the leader of the Izmailovo organized crime group Anton Malevsky. It’s time to talk about Deripaska’s other partner, Sergei Popov, better known in certain circles as Pop. According to the bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, this is one of the leaders of the leader of the Podolsk organized criminal group. Popov was Deripaska’s partner in the aluminum business and had the rights to 10% of all assets of the Basic Element holding.

At a trial in London, Deripaska said that Popov was not his friend and partner, but was his criminal “roof”, to which he was forced to pay tribute, and then transferred the payoff in the amount of $ 173 million. True, he could not explain why after that the “roof” Popov continued to attend all Deripaska’s family events and became the godfather of his daughter.

Popov himself described why he pretended to leave the aluminum business with Deripaska: “Oleg asked us: when I am alone, it is easier for me to negotiate with everyone. And behind you … a trail of terrible rumors stretches. It was logical. We said: okay, we’ll “hide” as you say.”

Sergei Popov (left), Oleg Deripaska (right)

“We had many projects,” Popov told reporters, “For example, in the late nineties, I, Chernoy and Deripaska bought a controlling stake in his fashion house from Valentin Yudashkin. I knew Valentin, we went into business, gave him money. By the way, Deripaska was very passionate about him – he went to various meetings there, delved into the affairs. After two years, we took our money and got out of there.”

And here is how Kommersant wrote about Deripaska’s partner Sergey Popov in 1996: “Gradually, with the help of one of the influential Podolsk shadow workers, the brigades they created pushed the old thieves’ elite, pickpockets, from the“ power ”in Podolsk. Sergei Popov (Pop) was considered the most authoritative leader of the “new wave”. In 1990, he received 2.5 years for extortion. Luchok (Sergey Lalakin) became the new leader. His curator in the criminal world was considered the authority of the older generation Nikolai Ignatov (Sedoy), whose interests were mainly related to the auto business. However, their friendship ended in such a big quarrel that Sedom had to leave the Podolsk region.

Released in 1993, Pop did not challenge Luchka’s leadership, while remaining one of the most influential authorities. In Matrosskaya Tishina, he happened to sit with the members of the State Emergency Committee, who had the most beneficial influence on him: Pop took up self-education and, according to his acquaintances, noticeably increased his intellectual level. They say that he still maintains good relations with the political opposition, which does not prevent him from controlling several companies involved in the sale of petroleum products.

And here is what the archives of the bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation say about Popov: “Popov Sergey Nikolaevich, born in 1960. Nickname: Pop. Place of residence: registration address: Period of residence: since 1990 Podolsk, Lapshinkova st., house … Operational category: the leader of an organized criminal group, the authority of the underworld. Member of Lalakin’s group “Luchka” (Podolsk).

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